Yes, today is the 1,980th anniversary of the Messiah, acting as the High Priest (after the order of the Meleck Tzadik), presented the Firstfruits from the grave as the wave offering before the Father's throne in heaven. These resurrected saints were raised from the dead soon after Yahshua's resurrection (Mt 27:52-53). They walked out their graves, clothed with an incorruptible body. At that same moment the Firstfruits of the barley were being harvested by the priests in a nearby field on the Mount of Olives.
What a spectacle it must have been for the faithful Israelites who were in attendance at the Firstfruit harvest. They were there to see the fulfillment of the very rehearsal in which they were participating! It is not surprising that we read in the early chapters of the book of Acts, that. . . "a great company of Cohanim (priests) were obedient to the faith." (Acts 6:7)
Today, on the day of Firstfruits, (Sunday, April 27th) we begin the prophetic countdown to Shavuot. Each year, we count the seven Sabbaths that lead us to the 50th day which is the one day Feast of Shavuot - misnamed "Pentecost" by the Greeks. The 50th day was the day that the Jewish Apostles were "all in one accord, in one place" when they were filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Apostles were obedient to the Torah Command to "count the omer" (a measure of the Firstfruits of the barley crop). The day after seven Sabbaths, we are required to have a "kadosh mikra" or holy assembly of saints at which we celebrate the goodness and blessings of our Creator. Hebrew 10:25 states, "do not forsake the assembly or yourselves together, as the manner of some (the clueless) is. . ." This statement is directly referring to the commanded assemblies of Yahweh. This year we are sponsoring (with the generous help of our ministry partners) a national assembly of saints in the "mile high city" of Denver, Colorado. It may not be Jerusalem, but almost everyone who attends from North America will have to "go up to the Feast!"
Join us for an entire family weekend adventure of music, fellowship, teaching, and worship as we celebrate the prophetic shadow picture embedded in the Feast of Shavuot. Paul Wilbur, Jimmie Black, Brenda Wheeler and others will provide the inspirational music. Glenn McWilliams and Paul Wilbur will join Michael Rood on the teaching platform and Mrs. Noah, her puppets, and their helpers will lead a weekend of entertaining Biblical adventures for the children.
There is limited seating for this event. You must register in order to attend any of the events - and you must register very soon if you want to take advantage of the special hotel pricing. This event, and the hotel, will fill up.
Please call our office today to register for the event (616-583-0200) and then immediately call the Denver Tech Center Hotel (soon to be the Double Tree) (1-800-327-2242) to secure your room. Indicate that you are with Michael Rood Ministries to receive the special $79.00 rate. You now have less than 19 days (May 15th and maybe less if capacity is reached) to make your reservations to be part of this life changing experience.
When you come to the Feast, do not come with "empty hands" (Deut 16:9-12; 14:22-27). Minister to others. Search deeply to find a way that you can be a blessing to another person. This is the Feast that culminates the Firstfruits harvest. Be prepared to share your blessings with the widow the orphan, the needy among us, and the Levites who serve the "Leavenless Bread of Life" to you.
Counting the Omer - and counting down our days to Shavuot. . .
Michael Rood
Day one, 49 days and counting
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Biblical Calendar 2008
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