Now Showing On YouTube: The Creator's Calendar

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Love Offering | Speakers & Singers > Shavuot 2008

We are looking for someone to give a love offering to Michael, Glenn, Paul Wilbur (Paul's assistant), Jimmie Black and Brenda Wheeler for their flights to the Shavuot Event in Colorado.

If you have it in your heart to be a blessing to the people who will be leading us into HIS present with their individual talents please contact Victoria at .

We are going to fly these individuals to Denver we need 100,000 frequent flyer miles. This can be in the form of four 25,000 mile units. If you will can please contact me. 616-583-0200

Thank you for your consideration on this matter,
Victoria Klump


This will be a real Messianic hoot that will facilitate the meeting and fellowship of likeminded saints from across the USA and even the world. Paul Wilbur and Jimmie Black are going to provide the praise and worship time for the weekend.

The Almighty will always show up at His appointed times and if we are there, we won't be able to miss him. For the first time in over 10 years, I will be taking the audience on a chronological journey through the Book of Revelation during the weekend. Television audiences will be able to enjoy this teaching next year - but those who attend Shavuot 6008 (Pentecost 2008) will be there to see and hear it in person.

We are going to throw a party as if the Messiah Himself is attending. I am trusting in The Almighty that this event doesn't make us go broke; but I know that I need to be obedient to the position and call, He has put me in. I am hoping some of you can become a Sponsor of the Shavuot 2008 Extravaganza to ensure that the electricity stays on here in Michigan.

Register @

See you when the smoke clears,
Michael Rood
Michael Rood Ministries Inc.

Passover 6008

Every year Passover is different. There are a thousand ways to tell the story of our deliverance from Egypt, a thousand ways to relate the prophetic shadow pictures of how the Messiah fulfilled those prophesies, and a thousand more trails to explore as we make each Passover unique to the body of Believers with whom we assemble.

However, every year Passover is the same. We rid our dwellings of all leaven before preparing the unleavened bread that we will be eating for seven days beginning at sundown the end of the 14th day of the month of the Aviv (sundown April 21st). That evening, which begins the 15th of the month of the Aviv, we will celebrate the Passover with unleavened bread and bitter herbs as we rehearse our departure from Egypt.

A lot of traditions that are fun have developed surrounding the Passover meal. Even some pagan fertility rites have found their way onto the seder plate in the "Orthodox" Passover celebration. But we will celebrate our deliverance from man-made religion and pagan sun god worship through Yahshua, while remembering that the Lamb of God was slain as our substitute so that we could follow the example of Yahshua the Living Torah.

One thing we never neglect at Passover is our modern tradition of gathering around the warm glow of the widescreen TV to watch a powerful presentation about the Messiah's fulfillment of the prophetic shadow pictures embedded in the Passover.

The Messiah: Prophecy Fulfilled is a beautiful 55 minute motion picture that factually represents the Messianic Jewish perspective of the first century followers of Yahshua. Tears flood the eyes of both young and old alike as we experience a Passover seder as it is led by a Pharisee rabbi who becomes a disciple of Yahshua. You will never be the same again!

Order The Messiah: Prophecy Fulfilled with Nick Mancuso Today or Tomorrow (4/16) by Priority Mail (+$4.60) to ensure delivery before Passover call 616-583-0200. Don't miss this heartwarming spiritual adventure.

The Triennial Torah Cycle

As the body of Messiah we are to walk in rhythm with our head, Yeshua the Messiah. Talmidim (disciples) of Yeshua are to embody the teachings of our Rabbi in our lives and walk. We are to live the Torah as Moses received it and as Yeshua taught it, free of the pollution and corruption of other rabbis and teachers. A part of walking in rhythm with our rabbi Yeshua is studying the Torah in the same manner as he did.

The Ancient Triennial Torah Cycle is the cycle of study in place in the first century when Yeshua walked the earth. Several years ago Michael Rood and others restored the Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar.

This year we begin to restore the Ancient Triennial Torah Cycle, starting on the first day of the first month, April 8, 6008, NOT in the fall after the feast of Sukkot. Each week studies based on the Ancient Triennial Torah Cycle will be posted at our website for you to use with your study group, or family study time. The first weeks study is already available on our website. We hope that you will join us in this new adventure and delve into new depths of Torah study and understanding.

For more information on the Ancient Triennial Torah Cycle visit our website for a great series of articles on both the Ancient Triennial Torah Cycle and the Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar.

Want to argue with friends? Get The Creator's Calendar Controversy DVD "Coffee Talk" where Glenn McWilliams and Michael Rood sit down and midrash about the controversy over the calendar and the ancient triennial torah cycle. This DVD is a MUST HAVE!

Donate to Michael Rood Ministries

Creator's Calendar

Want to argue with friends? Get The Creator's Calendar Controversy DVD "Coffee Talk" where Glenn McWilliams and Michael Rood sit down and midrash about the controversy over the calendar and the ancient triennial torah cycle. THIS DVD IS A MUST HAVE!

Come to Shavuot 6008 in Denver, Colorado June 13-15 to hear Glenn McWilliams open the Torah as it has never been opened before, and Michael Rood will take you on a chronological journey through the book of Revelation, if you miss this you will miss a BIG piece of the puzzle. Seating is limited so reserve your seat today!

If you do not wish to receive e-mails relating to the "Lydia" World Outreach Project please email In your email please specify which type of e-mails you would like to receive.

Thank you for your support!

Torah Based Program For Children

Looking for a Fun, Torah based program for your Children?

One that will:

* Teach all of The Commandments.
* Look for Messiah as we explore Scripture.
* Have illustrated Bible stories that will encourage midrash and understanding.
* Tell stories to coincide with Torah portions for those who do a Torah study
* Things to do, figure out, explore & learn.

Sound interesting? Please read on!

Mrs. Noah is the mother of SIX, yes six, children: one son and five daughters. She also has 16 grandchildren. She has been working for many years on interactive books for Sabbath keepers and those 'Torah Pursuant' - on a path to understanding and knowing our God, YHWH.

At one time, she traveled around the country speaking to parents and Sabbath school teachers - encouraging them as they sought to reach children.

Now she writes and illustrates a Torah based story each week and is developing books and related materials to help children see the JOY our Father has for us. She does 'Mrs. Noah Workshops' at conferences and Feast gatherings.

She has worked hard to learn so she can produce the kind of materials our children need and deserve. Listening to the hearts of parents, she sees the need for more materials to teach and affirm our beliefs.

We can now offer to you, your children, and your congregation a growing program - to support you - teaching Torah and Yeshua HaMashiach.

Michael Rood

Monday, April 14, 2008

The modern Messianic Movement is still in its infancy

As with every living thing, there are times of growth and maturing. So it is with the current state of the Hebraic Roots/Messianic Movement. While the Messianic Movement may trace its roots to the first century C.E., it has only recently begun to blossom. Lying almost dormant for centuries, the seed of this Movement has been germinating just below the surface. Recently, however, the Messianic Movement has experienced a rapid period of growth. By all accounts, this modern Messianic Movement is still in its infancy. I’m not sure when the Hebraic Roots/Messianic Movement officially began, but I do know that in the last 25-30 years it has experienced a phenomenal period of growth, not only in North America, but also in South America, and in the land of Israel. This type of rapid growth can only be attributed to the Ruach Hachodesh! With such rapid growth, we should not be surprised that we are experiencing major growing pains. Such is the case with the controversy over which calendar those in the Messianic Movement should be following.