Join Glenn McWilliams each week in the "professor's study" for an in-depth look into the Torah according to the 154 bite - sized portions that were studied during
the time of the Messiah.
the time of the Messiah.
From the time I was a little boy, I wanted to have a big family. Seven children seemed the perfect number. That way, I reasoned, I would have a different child to go fishing with every day of the week. I worked with children all of my adult life, working at various summer camps, church drop-in centers, and child-care facilities. Unfortunately when I was finally ready, and of age to have children of my own, I was informed I could not. For fourteen years my first wife and I tried to have children. I went to every specialist in the city of Pittsburgh and they all sadly agreed that I would never father a child. I eventually adopted two children, and contented myself by simply loving all children as my own. I believe my wife felt differently. She eventually left. Then through a series of unforeseen circumstances, and at the age of 40, I married my current wife who had been widowed with five children. It wasn't until after I was married that I realized that YHWH had fulfilled my dream. I was now the father of seven children! But it was not to end there. Two months after our wedding my wife informed me she was pregnant. Nine months later my son, Sean Michael McWilliams, was born. I remember thinking of Abraham and Sarah, and thought to myself, "Now in my old age should I know pleasure?" In time, however, my joy turned to anxiety, when I remembered what Abraham was asked to do with the son of his old age. Every time I looked at my son sleeping in his crib, I would think of Abraham being asked to elevate his beloved son Isaac upon the altar.
This week's portion is a powerful lesson about the love and fear of Elohim. Without the promise of reward for obedience, or the threat of punishment for failure, Abraham willingly and obediently did what the Sovereign of the universe asked him to do. His only possible motive was love for the Creator. Love for YHWH should always be the motive for our actions, offerings, and sacrifices.
We are all called to love YHWH with our whole, heart, mind and being. And yet, from years and years of living in a consumer society most of us have been trained up to buy instead of give. Most of us are more willing to purchase a product than simply give out of love. We look for the bigger bang for our buck. I am very excited that more and more believers are being transformed by the power of the Torah. Almost daily I encounter loving brothers and sisters that have been transformed from consumers to servants. It is a joy to see so many people responding to the calling of the Spirit to live the Torah as Moses received it and as Yeshua taught it. I am also very grateful to those who have responded to our invitation to partner with us in supporting the restoration of the Ancient Triennial Torah Cycle and the development of a "leaven free" Torah Commentary. We at A Rood Awakening are working diligently to provide believers with a very powerful educational tool to help equip the body to live and teach the pure Torah.
Abraham was asked to offer up his son. We are asked to offer up our lives, as living sacrifices. I am asking, that if you benefit from this weekly teaching, please consider lifting up your finances in prayer, and ask the Father if it is his will for you to support this weekly Torah study with a donation. Please consider Awakening in the Word in your giving. As was true of YHWH in his request that the children of Israel make an offering "from the heart" for the building of the Tabernacle, we too desire only gifts given from a heart stirred by the Spirit.
I pray that you are being blessed by our efforts.
Glenn McWilliams