The Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar has been revised and will be out soon as a second edition. Order Yours Now!
Order your new and improved calendar!
Suggested Retail $34.95
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Get The Creator's Calendar Controversy DVD "Coffee Talk"
where Glenn McWilliams and Michael Rood sit down and midrash about the controversy over the calendar and the ancient triennial torah cycle.
Donate to Michael Rood Ministries
Contact michael@reallyrood.com
Come to Shavuot 6008 in Denver, Colorado June 13-15 to hear Glenn McWilliams open the Torah as it has never been opened before, and Michael Rood will take you on a chronological journey through the book of Revelation, if you miss this you will miss a BIG piece of the puzzle. Seating is limited so reserve your seat today!
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